• CourseCo Update

Today, American society is properly challenged to act with renewed commitment to help redress the stark reality that still we live and work in a culture that fails to provide justice and opportunity to all, notably Black Americans. We, as individuals, and our company must continue, in words and actions to contribute meaningfully to meeting the challenge.

In 1996, six years after CourseCo was founded, we reinforced to our colleagues when the California Civil Rights Initiative was approved this core belief: “In a world fractious and divided, our efforts to build teams from diverse elements make our lives and work more interesting, our products better, and help bring the world a bit closer to harmony.” We established the Oakland Turfgrass Education Initiative, co-founded four chapters of The First Tee, and hired in management men and women of diversity.

CourseCo will continue to use creativity, effort and resources to do more. We will harness our progressive spirit and ingenuity to develop new methods and allies in the pursuit of harmony and justice through diversity of our management, staff and the patrons we attract to the game, and the manner in which we treat others.
